Winter Brings Danger of Frozen Pipes

Winter is here, and temperatures are rapidly dropping. The cold weather brings snow, ice, and the threat of frozen pipes. For homeowners, frozen pipes can be a real pain in the wallet. It’s important to conduct routine maintenance to ensure that your pipes aren’t at risk of freezing this winter. What Happens When Pipes Freeze?…

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When Is Your Water Filter Really Ready to Be Replaced?

Water filters are a necessity. Any water line you use for drinking, cooking, and cleaning needs extra tools to ensure that the water you’re using has as few toxins and undesirable microbes as possible. However, the traditional filters that come with refrigerators and those that can be added to your sinks are a bit imprecise.…

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Importance of Gas Line Maintenance

Many people dream of owning a home, and fulfilling that dream takes a lot of hard work and sacrifice until the day the realtor hands over the keys into the owner’s hands. This was probably your story and the day that you achieved this goal was probably one of the happiest. However, the story does…

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Prevent Hairy Clogs in Your Shower Drain

Drains channel water through your plumbing system and are very important components overall. Without them, water will go nowhere, standing in basins. While showering and bathing, hair follicles fall and can clog a drain. Nobody likes cleaning hair from a shower drain, so it might remain sitting there, picking up clumps of shampoo, conditioner, and…

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