Is Relocating Necessary During Sewer Line Replacement?

technicians in the middle of replacing a sewer line Columbia, MO

Replacing a sewer line is an essential project that may need to be undertaken at some point in the life of a home or property. This is because, over time, sewer lines can fail due to various reasons such as root intrusion, old age, or extensive damage from external sources. A common concern for homeowners…

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Debunking Tankless Water Heater Myths

tankless water heater

Having all the right information is crucial before upgrading your home’s water heater system. Unfortunately, tankless water heaters have myths that have gained traction, causing people to doubt their capabilities. Brian Wear Plumbing dispels the misconceptions about tankless water heater installation and shows their many benefits. Not Enough Hot Water One of the most common…

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Benefits of Bathroom Plumbing Remodels

plumbing repairs in Hallsville, MO

Work with a plumber in Hallsville, MO, who has experience tackling a full complement of bathroom and plumbing renovation projects. At Brian Wear Plumbing, we have been in business in this region for more than 15 years, and we look forward to serving you by providing high-quality repairs and remodeling work in a single bathroom…

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Preparing Your Property for Sewer Repair Services

Saying that sewer pipe line issues work is a headache would be an understatement. Not only do these pose a huge inconvenience, but they can also be quite costly. Fortunately, Brian Wear Plumbing offers quality solutions that come at reasonable prices. There are things you can do to prepare your property before we arrive and…

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Signs Your Water Heater Should Be Replaced

Maintaining the water heater in your home is essential if your treasure the luxuries of washing dishes and maintaining your hygiene. Without a working water heater, you are likely to feel the pressures of modern-day inconveniences immediately. Knowing the signs that your water heater should be replaced can help you when you contact the trusted…

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How to Know If You’re Hiring a Reputable Plumber

Hiring a plumber is a major decision for many homeowners, as plumbing repairs can quickly become costly and plumbing is an essential element involved in everyday life. When you are searching for a professional plumber in Columbia, MO, it is important to know how to tell whether or not you’re hiring a reputable individual or…

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Reasons Why Your Home May Need a Sump Pump

Unless you live in an arid region of the country, you’re probably familiar with the sight of a sump pump’s discharge line snaking out of every basement or crawl space. Sump pumps are an absolute necessity if you live in an area with a high-water table. However, water close to the soil surface isn’t the…

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3 Common Bathroom Problems

Some of the most common bathroom plumbing issues can be easily fixed. However, not taking the steps to correct and prevent these problems could lead to much bigger issues and expensive repairs down the line. 1. Running Toilet You hear the sound of running water coming from your toilet constantly. The flush seems weaker. You can see…

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4 Simple DIY Plumbing Projects

Plumbing issues can occur when you least expect one. While more serious plumbing issues are better left to the professionals, there are a few common plumbing projects you can perform yourself if you don’t want to wait for a plumber. All you need are the right tools and required knowledge. 1. Replacing a Shower Head Faulty…

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