Solar Water Heating: Installing Your New System

You’ve decided to get a solar water heating system. That’s great! It will lower your energy bills and raise your home’s value. Now, how do you go about getting your solar water heater installed? First and foremost, make sure you’re complying with all applicable building codes, zoning requirements, subdivision rules, and homeowner’s association rules, and…

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Solar Water Heating: Good for Your Bills and the Environment

Clean energy is more popular and more affordable than ever, and it is now a reliable way to run your water heater. Solar water heating is a great alternative to traditional water heating options like gas or electric, offering better energy efficiency, lower bills, and added value for your home. A solar water heating system…

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Bacteria Is Normal for Your Septic System

Unbeknownst to many homeowners, all septic systems contain bacteria. It’s not all bad, though. Bacteria is necessary in the decomposition process. Septic systems have both anaerobic and aerobic bacteria at all times. This balance is important and necessary to maintain a healthy septic system. So what is the difference between the two and what’s so special about…

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Biodegradable Soaps: Beneficial for Your Pipes and Budget

It is critical to consider everything that goes through your water pipes, as they impact plumbing maintenance and your water bill. One of the key things traveling through pipes that can cause decay is soap. If you are using average soap from the store, you may consider using biodegradable soaps instead. Why Biodegradable Soap? The…

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