What Could Be Clogging Your Home’s Yard Drain?

If your house has a pool or extensive landscaping, you probably have an exterior drain to help manage any accidental water overflow. This drain sends excess water to your street’s drain, so it doesn’t locally flood your property. Unfortunately, that connection fail with backups in your yard or any potential clogs caused by your yard’s…

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Three Problems That Lead to Early Pipe Replacement

Pipes are essential to your water and plumbing system but can be surprisingly fragile. Anything from overtightening a water line to dumping too much grease down your kitchen drain can cause you plumbing frustrations, even if it seems like the pipes should be able to handle it. Whether you’re a homeowner or a tenant, here…

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2 Easy Ways to Keep Your Fridge Running Efficiently

Your refrigerator is one of the biggest energy sinks in your home. It runs 24/7, and cold air rushes out every time the door is opened. This is especially true for older models, which don’t have the advantage of recent energy-efficiency measures. Even newer models are susceptible to poor energy utilization since bits and pieces…

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