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Signs You Need a New Fridge

By Brian Wear | December 7, 2016

Having a working refrigerator is something that many homeowners take for granted–that is, until they run into a problem. The last thing you want is to end up with a completely nonfunctional fridge, which is why it’s good to be aware of the telltale signs you need a new fridge before it stops working altogether.…

A Building Disaster: The Dangers of High Water Pressure

By Brian Wear | November 30, 2016

There are only a few things better than stepping into a well pressurized shower in the morning. Unfortunately, that same pressure that completely revitalizes you may be a building disaster for the plumbing in your house. For as good as people think high water pressure is, it is actually a huge disaster waiting to happen.…

How to Check if Your Water Meter is Faulty

By Brian Wear | November 23, 2016

Opening the water bill is never a particularly pleasing experience, but it is at least a predictable one. However, when you open the statement for the month and find that prices have skyrocketed, it can be like a shot to the heart. If your family hasn’t dramatically changed their water consumption lifestyle over the past…

Signs You Need New Laundry Appliances

By Brian Wear | November 16, 2016

There are several factors that typically come into play when determining if you need new laundry appliances. Lifestyle changes, frequency of repairs for your current appliances and remodeling jobs can all play a significant part in determining whether or not it’s time to make the switch to new appliances. For young couples, their smaller washer…

How to Winterize Your Plumbing in 4 Easy Steps

By Brian Wear | November 9, 2016

You don’t just have shoveling snow-laden driveways to look forward to this winter, even normal winter temperatures can wreak havoc on poorly prepared plumbing. At best, a frozen pipe can be terribly inconvenient, but at worst it can be an expensive and totally preventable mistake. Before the temperatures start to drop into the freezing range,…

If Your Plumbing Should Fail, Would You Know How to Stop the Flood?

By Brian Wear | November 2, 2016

Say you are sleeping soundly in the middle of the winter, you’re nice and warm in your bed and suddenly you hear a loud pop. Maybe you would get up and investigate, and say you don’t find anything right away. However, when you wake up the next morning your basement is half-full of water or…

Contact Brian Wear Plumbing Today

Feel free to give us a call today to schedule an appointment with a plumber in Columbia, MO, and the surrounding areas. Whether it’s doing drain line maintenance or preparing to replace sewer lines, you are going to be satisfied with our work.

If you are in Columbia, MO or the mid-Missouri area and believe you have a plumbing problem, contact us.