Highlighting the Leading Causes of Plumbing Leaks

plumber repairing a leaky pipe Columbia, MO

If you think that slow but steady dripping from your faucet or that puddle under your sink is nothing to worry about, you’re unfortunately mistaken. While plumbing leaks may initially seem like a minor inconvenience, the next thing you know, the damage has been done and you’ve got a much bigger problem on your hands.…

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Highlighting the Common Reasons Why Sewer Lines Collapse

old sewer collapsed pipe Columbia, MO

We at Brian Wear Plumbing understand that a compromised sewer line can be a major source of stress and inconvenience for homeowners. Not only does it require extensive sewer repair in Columbia, MO, but it can also put your family’s health at risk and disrupt daily routines. Here are some common reasons for collapsed sewer…

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