Common Issues that Affect Tankless Water Heaters

plumber inspecting a tankless water heater

Efficiency and convenience are two major reasons why more and more homeowners are switching to tankless water heaters. However, just like any other home appliance, these systems can also experience problems that may require troubleshooting and expert water heater repair in Columbia, MO. Read on as Brian Wear Plumbing goes over some of the most…

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Telltale Signs of a Damaged Sewer Line

broken or cracked sewer line

A compromised sewer line is undoubtedly a challenging issue, but early detection and timely sewer repair in Columbia, MO can help you avoid the headache of a full-blown plumbing disaster. Our experts at Brian Wear Plumbing delve into the crucial indicators that your sewer line is in need of attention. Persistent Blockages A clogged drain…

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