What Counts as a Plumbing Emergency?

overflowing toilet

Plumbing emergencies are the ones no homeowner should ever ignore, as neglecting them can result in significant damage to your property and other expensive or hazardous consequences. But what exactly counts as an emergency plumbing situation? Brian Wear Plumbing offers insight to help you better recognize and respond to potential plumbing issues. Burst Pipes One…

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Keeping Your Tankless Water Heater in Optimal Condition

tankless water heater

A tankless water heater can be a game-changer in any home. But like any other appliance you own, its efficiency still hinges on proper maintenance. Keeping your tankless water heater in optimal condition is beneficial for its longevity and your pocket. As your go-to team for top-notch water heater repair in Columbia, MO, Brian Wear…

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