Plumber's Tape: How and Where to Use It

“Plumber’s tape… isn’t that how you guys hold your pants up?” While this is good for a chuckle, improper use of plumber’s tape is no joke. Plumber’s tape is a stretchy, smooth polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) membrane that seals water and gas pipe fittings. It’s packaged on spools that resemble rolls of surgical tape, and this is…

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The Importance of Your Pool’s Plumbing System

The summer heat can make outdoor sports and activities a bit of a struggle… unless there’s a pool nearby! Taking a swim is a great way to cool off and get your exercise. Looking to install your first pool this season? Among considering things like pool heaters and thermal covers, you may be overlooking one…

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3 Handy Tools to Keep Your Sink and Shower Drains Unclogged

A clogged drain can be a real annoyance, especially if you live with multiple people. Stepping into a tub full of water after someone has just taken a shower is not the most enjoyable experience. Keeping your drains clog-free is important but most chemical drain cleaners can be corrosive and harmful to your pipes and…

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Avoid Contaminated Tap Water

It’s easy to assume that if your water is clear and tastes fresh, there are no contaminants. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. The EPA describes water contaminants as “any physical, chemical, biological, or radiological substance or matter in water.” It further describes contaminates as “anything other than a water molecule.” While some contaminants are harmless, others…

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