The Best Fuel Type For Your Water Heater

If you are getting a new water heater to replace your old one, then a world of choice has opened up before you. However, one of the most important choices is what sort of fuel your water heater will use. This will affect the initial upfront price of the water heater as well as the…

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Why Washers are Important to the Plumbing System

Most people don’t think much about the types of washers used for plumbing projects. After all, how can something as small as a washer be that important in the grand scheme of things? The truth is, when a washer is forgotten or the wrong type of washer is used in a project, you quickly learn…

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4 Ways to Shrink Your Water Bill

Everyone wants to know how to save when it comes to water. Water is essential to our daily living, and yet it costs so much just to use it. This guide will show you how to shrink your water bill with just a few easy adjustments to your routine. 1. Upgrade Your Washing Machine A lot of…

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How to Get By Until the Plumber Arrives

Running water is one of those things that’s easy to take for granted until you have to make do without it. When a plumbing emergency arises and you have to turn off your main water valve, suddenly many things become more difficult. But don’t panic! There are ways to get by until your water can…

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