Routinely Maintain Your Sump Pump

If you have a sump pump in your home, it might be hidden away in an area you don’t visit too often, but that doesn’t mean you can just install it and forget about it. Regular maintenance on your sump pump is vital to keep it in working order and may keep you from expensive repairs or…

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What to Do About Your Water Supply in a Power Outage

It’s unsettling when the power goes out in a home. Modern homes are more power-centric than ever, supporting just lights, appliances, electronic gadgets, and more. During the winter months, electrical outages can also wreak havoc on your plumbing system and appliances if outdoor temperatures drop below freezing, and the outage lasts long enough to allow…

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Protecting Your Outdoor Plumbing for Winter

A lot of water can be lost through your pipes without leaving a trace, especially through your exterior pipes. While fixing up persistent drips and monitoring your sprinklers’ intensity level can help keep your summer and autumn water use well-regulated, winter pipes need a bit more care to stop cracks, leaks, and bursts. Here’s how:…

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Lower Your Water Bills This Winter by Preparing Now

While long-term water use, such as daily lawn watering and showers, have the largest impact on your overall water consumption, sudden emergencies can make your water bills surge. Whenever your water heater breaks, a pipe bursts, or something in the plumbing cracks, you can lose a lot of water before repairs are being made. Here’s…

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