Washing Machine Tips to Avoid Washing Away Your Budget

There are many ways to cut energy costs when doing laundry. You can switch to colder water cycles or save up dirty laundry for larger loads. Sometimes you can even save a shirt to wear a second time! These small changes can certainly save up. You can also save water and money by taking good…

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3 Signs to Watch to Replace Your Ice Filter

For any appliance with a filter, most of the problems in functionality or user satisfaction tie back to how often the filter is replaced. This is just as true for your ice filter as it is for your water filter. This statement holds whether you have a refrigerator that automatically makes ice or you have…

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3 Food Types That Are Wearing Out Your Kitchen Sink

Your kitchen sink’s garbage disposal can be a great tool, but it can also be a huge headache if things don’t go smoothly. If your disposal clogs frequently, seems to be wearing out faster than it should, or requires pushing the manual reset often, it might not be able to handle what you’re using it for.…

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Check This Essential Water Heater Component

It’s a dreaded moment when you step into the shower one morning, groggy, desperate to wake up, and you turn on the faucets and there is no hot water. Right then and there, you realize that your day is going to start off very rough. If you have a gas fueled water heater tank, a tiny…

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