Appliances that receive the good ENERGY STAR rating can save consumers an estimated 30% or more on energy costs. HVAC systems, washers, refrigerators, clothes dryers, and other appliances are rated on a 1-100 scale on their energy use. The rating refers to the energy output for every unit of energy needed to run the appliance. A rating of 75 or more indicates an appliance will save energy. Energy efficiency is ideal, as it can save users a lot on energy bills and also contribute to a healthy environment since fewer greenhouse gases are emitted and less fossil fuels are used. A lot of energy can be used around the house, where ENERGY STAR-rated appliances can greatly help.

Water Heaters
The heating ventilation and air conditioning system consumes the most power in the average home followed by the hot water heater. Gas-powered ENERGY STAR water heaters can save in energy cost with better insulation and burners. ENERGY STAR-certified electric hybrid water heaters use less than half of the power of the older water heaters. An efficient heat pump is used to warm the water.
The most efficient water heater gives hot water on demand with a tankless heater. This energy-saving system will heat the water when you need it. No gas flame is needed to keep water warm in a holding tank. ENERGY STAR-certified tankless heaters are more expensive, yet they have an estimated savings of $1,500 over the lifetime of conventional water heaters. Rebates are available for some tankless heaters, and new homes may qualify for energy credits.
Kitchen Appliances
Refrigerators of 39 cubic feet or less with ENERGY STAR certification can save 10% or more on power. A refrigerator with a top freezer uses less power than a 60-watt incandescent light bulb. The average refrigerator/freezer combination that measures 15-20 cubic feet is the most energy efficient.
Dishwashers should have several types of settings including air dry to save energy. An efficient dishwasher can also save up to 5,000 gallons of water a year by reducing the need to rinse dishes before they are loaded.
Select clothes washing machines with a high Integrated Modified Energy Factor and low Integrated Water Factor for the best savings. These machines control the amount of water and power needed for each cycle. Most new washers do not have a central agitator, and they can save cost by 25% with the newer sensor technology.
Contact us at Brian Wear Plumbing for professional help on installation and maintenance of new and existing ENERGY STAR appliances to save you energy and money. We will help you find the right appliances for your budget and make sure they work for you.
If you are in Columbia, MO or the mid-Missouri area and believe you have a plumbing problem, contact us.