Homeowners find plumbing repairs to be costly and significantly damaging to their property when there is no routine maintenance. Protect your property from gradual damage and flooding with a routine maintenance program. At Brian Wear Plumbing, we offer a Customer Protection Program that hosts significant benefits of routine maintenance.
Immediate Service
Have you discovered a plumbing emergency before but were unable to get a plumber to your residence on the same day? If so, worry no more! As a member of our Customer Protection Program, expect immediate service upon request. These customers are made a priority and can expect same day service for their plumbing emergencies. Upon arrival, expect our plumbers to identify and correct the problem efficiently and successfully, offering your family sound peace of mind.
Annual Inspection
Structure damage, water leaks, and appliance damage are often the result of clogged pipes and a plumbing system that has not been properly maintained. Preventing any build up and drain clogging is essential to a proper plumbing system. Each year, one of our plumbers will thoroughly inspect all plumbing pipes within your residence. Our professional plumbers will also inspect your appliances and crawlspaces for potential problems. This inspection also includes a water heater flush that promotes safe operations in the unit while extended its longevity. We use high tech drain cameras to accurately diagnose any clogs or leaks.
Discounted Services
Affordable services are important to our customers, and we appreciate their loyalty. No matter what service or repair you need, as a Customer Protection Program member, you are eligible for a 10% discount.
Should there be any issues with any of the services or repairs conducted within a two-year time frame, our plumbers will return to your home and correct the issue at no cost to you.
Join Today!
Our Customer Protection Program’s detailed inspections and discounted services could save you thousands in home repairs annually. The benefits of being a member are cost-efficient and can protect your entire home from water damage, flooding, repairs, and replacements. Contact us for more information about our service program or to sign up today.
If you are in Columbia, MO or the mid-Missouri area and believe you have a plumbing problem, contact us.